
Int premiere
Khalil, a 13-year-old boy, is worried after his father's death. Has his father gone to heaven or hell? He is trying to find out.

Seyed Payam HOSSEINI
Seyed Payam HOSSEINI has worked in the film industry for 13 years, including as managing director of the Panah Film Cinema Institute. His short film The Kites was nominated for the Crystal Bear in the Generation Kplus section of Berlinale 2020.
Cinema | Auditorium | Time | Notes | Tickets |
NEIWEI ARTS CENTER | Reel TWO | 2024/10/18 Friday 16:40 | ||
NEIWEI ARTS CENTER | Reel TWO | 2024/10/20 Sunday 12:30 | ★ | |
NEIWEI ARTS CENTER | Reel TWO | 2024/10/21 Monday 15:00 |